Steven G. Johnson '95, PhD '01

Professor of Mathematics and Physics
Nanophotonics and the influence of complex geometries on wave phenomena — both analytical theory and computational design.
Research Areas

Research Interests

  • The influence of complex geometries (particularly in the nanoscale) on solutions of partial differential equations, especially for wave phenomena and electromagnetism — analytical theory, numerics, and design of devices and phenomena. (See, for example, photonic crystals.)
  • High-performance computation, such as fast Fourier transforms, solvers for numerical electromagnetism, and large-scale optimization.

Biographical Sketch

Steven G. Johnson is Professor of Applied Mathematics and Professor of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he joined the faculty in 2004. He received his Ph.D. in physics from MIT in 2001, where he was also an undergraduate student (receiving B.S. degrees in physics, mathematics, and EECS in 1995).

More info:

Awards & Honors

  • 2009 // Edmund F. Kelly Research Award, awarded every three years by the MIT Mathematics Department for outstanding research by a junior faculty member.
  • 2008 // Ranked among top-10 most-cited authors in the field of “photonic crystals” by (October 2008).
  • 1999 // J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software (for FFTW); Argonne Natl. Lab., National Physical Lab. (UK), and the Numerical Algorithms Group
  • 1999 // Laurels Award in Electronics (for FFTW), Aviation Week & Space Technology, 1999.

Key Publications